Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Things that make me happy

(in no paticular order)
- my acoustic guitar
- my sleeping roommate
- my friends
- my family
- my job (in a strange sort of way)
- visiting the Lions Club playground
- walking the brick streets of Clinton
- my couch back home
- sonic corn dogs
- my photography
- you reading this blog
- feeling like a local in the town where I live
- my big stack of "yet to read" books
- my book of songs

what are some of the things that make you happy?

1 comment:

TheLittons said...

James.... WHAT UP.... Good To See You On BlogSpot!! need new updates!!

the link to Mollie & Thomas's is: http://www.vienna-calling.blogspot.com so be sure to check out theirs

and brittany & Jordan's is: http://rightspaceblog.com/ so check it out