Monday, February 18, 2008

Keep It Simple Online Now! // Valentines Day

The following link will send you to my single on myspace.

I've been writing a lot of new music over the past several days. Valentines day always seems to bring the sappy love songs out of me. I've shown these songs to a few of my closest friends, and when they ask the pressing question "So, who are these songs about?" I chuckle when I tell them they are about no one, but more about my thoughts and dreams about what love really is.

I really hope to buy my home studio gear soon so I can continue the recording process. It is currently at a stand still because my schedule and my producers schedule just do not meet together in any shape form or fashion, which is quite unfortunate.

Going back to Valentines day, I really got to spend this Valentines day and watch some of my closest friends whom are in relationships, and see how they spent their day, running around trying to make sure they have "the perfect" gift/card/etc. to express how they really feel for their significant others, and it is a beautiful comedy, it really is.

I'll post more about these new songs in the coming days, off to study!

1 comment:

TheLittons said...

yeah... im lovin the new song!! im diggin it!!

tell me how when and where i can get a copy of this song as soon as you get that figured out!!

i bet that is quit funny when people ask that question, thats interesting, thats your own unique way of writing your music, most artist write their songs about someone, your different your aren't about anyone their just about how you feel, your a lot like joey, he does that, his aren't about anybody either, its just how hes feeling and whats on his heart and mind, his true feelings about things, about his life and whats going on in his life.

thats cool that the two of you are like that.