Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I so should be studying right now...

I cannot help myself, but I have grown an obsession to Guitar Hero III for the Nintendo Wii. If you have not played this game, believe me after a few blazing solos you will become instantly hooked on this game. You will hear yourself saying: "I have time for one more song until I have to hit the books", until you realize "one more song" has mysteriously turned into two hours and countless of songs later. This was not a big deal, until you suddenly remember you have a test coming up you have not studied for, and that if the test was in mastering Guitar Hero III you would without a doubt get an A, but the test is in computer science, something that you are secretly dreading inside, and you have three programs that have yet to be written that are due tomorrow. Whats a guy suppost to do in this messed up scenerio?

Go back and play more guitar hero.
Will the madness ever cease?
It's my turn, I guess we'll find out!

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