Saturday, May 24, 2008

Joshua's Conquest

So much to talk about, so little time to type it in. Here goes nothing:

Wade and I have been tracking a concept song I wrote (which turned into a much better collaboration work) titled "You Can Close Your Eyes". The song symbolizes the marriage of a man and woman and to us, the marriage between us and Christ. I will share the lyrics at the end of this post, PLEASE comment and tell me what you think about them. The song should be (hopefully) posted on our new MYSPACE which can be found here. Please allow us the honor of being your friend. Hopefully we can get back to mixing a few new songs and have an EP out by the end of the summer for all of you to enjoy!

Below are the lyrics: please comment, and when we post the song on our myspace, you will be the firsts to know.

You Can Close Your Eyes
James Davis//Wade Patterson

It's getting late outside
The dark has left you blind
No light for peace you cannot find
I've been noticing lately
That this world's getting crazy
Let Him come and take you inside

So you can close your eyes
And simply be His bride

You woke from a dream last night
Long before the morning light
And laying there lost in thought
Thinking that your hope is lost
You never dreamed of such a Man
With this kind of rescue plan


Sweet dreams and memories
to honor the perfect melody
He's come to make you right
(C) 2008 James Davis and Wade Patterson music

1 comment:

Kat said...

Very nice! I didn't know you were actually producing songs now! That's awesome! =)

~ Kat